ActionDirector Video Editor Cracked APK v7.4.0 Latest Version Free Download
ActionDirector Video Editor Cracked APK is the only video editing app to capture, edit, and share your favorite action videos. With this application, you can create your own action section. You can add background music and create your own celebrity video then share it on your favorite social networks or messaging apps. Edit your HD files just like your computer.
Record the next viral video or hit-action movie with ActionDirector! You can edit and crop videos and add music to videos to create your own audio track and highlight video projects you are proud of on social networks and messaging apps! Video effects are included so that you can make each video look professional.
ActionDirector’s Ultra HD 4K Video Editor allows you to edit videos on your mobile phone just as you would on your desktop. The action movie effects highlight key moments, with slow motion and speed adjustments helping you boost the action with a simple slider. You can also add looping and looping video effects to your clip to create the final video.
Take the next viral video or action movie with the action director! Add videos to your soundtracks, edit, and crop videos, and enter the project for social media highlighting and messaging for apps pride! Video performance is unified so you can make any video ad
Action Director by Ultra HD4 or Video Editor, so you can edit the same video on your phone, you have it on your desktop. By highlighting action movies, highlighting highlights, slow motion and editing motion, you can increase motivation with a simple slider. You can also duplicate your video for the final video and rejoin video effects.
- Format: APK
- Size: 32 MB
ActionDirector Video Editor Features:
- Capture video directly from the app and edit immediately after recording
- Adjust brightness, contrast, and color
- Increase or decrease the speed of parts of the video with high precision
- You can add titles and text to your video
- Combine music and add to your clip background
- Share your full HD videos in different apps
- And many more.
What has changed in the new version?
- Bugs were fixed and performance improved
- Supports animated stickers
- New free stickers added
How To Install?
- Download APK
- On an Android phone, go to Settings> Security> Allow Unknown Source
- Installations
- Completed!
ActionDirector Video Editor Cracked APK v7.4.0 Latest Version Download From Link Given Below: